Six men ordained to the Permanent Diaconate
On August 24, at Queen of Angels Church in Riverside, Bishop Alberto Rojas ordained six men to the Permanent Diaconate. “We are very grateful to God for your generosity, brothers,” Bishop Rojas said. “We are very grateful to you as well, to your wives and to your families, for your desire to follow the way of Jesus in serving others.” The six newly ordained deacons and their respective home parishes that they will serve at are: Rosario Alcazar (St. Charles Borromeo, Bloomington), Dieudonne Daba (St. Christopher Parish, Moreno Valley), Timothy Lucas (St. Matthew Church, Corona), Fernando Martinez (St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish, Temecula), Alejandro Reyes (St. Mel Parish, Norco) and Ruben Rodriguez (Our Lady of Hope Catholic Community, San Bernardino). The Rite of the Ordination for Deacons included pledging obedience to Bishop Rojas, the Litany of the Saints, the Laying of Hands, and the Kiss of Peace, where the newly ordained deacons are congratulated and embraced by Bishop Rojas, current deacons and their wives, and priests in attendance.